November 3, 2024

At Home 13: God Raises Up a Deliverer

Use this guide to help your family worship and reflect through the week.
You may go through this in any order you wish.



Reinforce this truth throughout the week and during your study.

God raises up a leader to deliver his people out of slavery.



Read the passage to or with your children.

Exodus 1-3



Memorize and recite this verse with your children throughout the week.

"I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to... a land flowing with milk and honey."

- Exodus 3:17



Watch with your children.



Take time with your family to discuss these questions (or variations of these questions) together, and reflect on this week’s truth and Word.

1. QUESTION: What did Pharaoh command to be done to the Israelite baby boys? Did all the women delivering babies obey that command? What does that tell us about who they feared more-God or Pharaoh? How should we be like these brave women?

TAKEAWAY: Like the women who helped to deliver babies, we should "obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29).

2. QUESTION: What bad things could have happened to baby Moses? How did God protect him? God protects all his people. How do you feel knowing that God protects you?

TAKEAWAY: God protects his people, just like he protected baby Moses.

3. QUESTION: What are some ways the Israelites were treated badly? Had God forgotten about them? What did God do to show that he had not forgotten about them? Whom did he say he would use to deliver the Israelites? Whom did God send to deliver us?

TAKEAWAY: God sees his people suffering and sends Moses to deliver them from slavery, just as he sent Jesus to deliver us.

4. QUESTION: What do you think it means when God calls himself "I AM WHO IAM" (Ex. 3:14)? How is that different from any other person in the world?Why do you think Jesus used the same phrase to describe himself?

TAKEAWAY: Jesus is the great "I AM," which means he is the always-and-for-ever God.


As your family reflects on the truths you learned in this week’s lesson, pray together.
Here are some questions to get you started...

Based on this week’s lesson:
1.  What did I learn about God that I can praise Him for?
2.  What sins and weaknesses can I confess to God?
3.  What promises can I thank God for?