Use this guide to help your family worship and reflect through the week.
You may go through this in any order you wish.
Reinforce this truth throughout the week and during your study.
Sin, suffering, and death came into the world because Adam disobeyed God.
Read the passage to or with your children.
Genesis 3
Memorize and recite this verse with your children throughout the week.
I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.
- Genesis 3:15
Watch with your children.
Take time with your family to discuss these questions (or variations of these questions) together, and reflect on this week’s truth and Word.
1. Question: After God gave Adam a command not to eat from one special tree, what did the snake say to Eve to try to get her to disobey God? How did Adam and Eve respond? How do you think they should have responded?
Takeaway: Sin is doubting God and choosing to disobey Him.
2. Question: When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, who were they choosing to believe? What happened to them because they listened to the snake? What are some ways choosing to sin has damaged you and your relationship with God?
Takeaway: We all choose to sin for different reasons, but it always damages us and our relationship with God.
3. Question: What happened to the whole world as a result of Adam's sin?
Takeaway: Sin, suffering, and death came into the world through Adam's disobedience.
4. Question: What promise did God make to Adam and Eve after they disobeyed? How did God keep it?
Takeaway: Jesus crushed the snake by dying on the cross; God kept His promise!
As your family reflects on the truths you learned in this week’s lesson, pray together.
Here are some questions to get you started...
Based on this week’s lesson:
1. What did I learn about God that I can praise Him for?
2. What sins and weaknesses can I confess to God?
3. What promises can I thank God for?