Use this guide to help your family worship and reflect through the week.
You may go through this in any order you wish.
Reinforce this truth throughout the week and during your study.
God can give us wisdom to live for him.
Read the passage to or with your children.
1 Kings 3;11
Memorize and recite this verse with your children throughout the week.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."
- James 1:5
Watch with your children.
Take time with your family to discuss these questions (or variations of these questions) together, and reflect on this week’s truth and Word.
1. QUESTION: When God gave Solomon the chance to ask for anything in the world, what did he ask for? How did God answer his request? What can we learn from Solomon's example?
TAKEAWAY: We should regularly ask God, as Solomon did, for wisdom.
2. QUESTION: What were some of the wise things Solomon did? What were some of the foolish things? How did marrying seven hundred women change Solomon's heart toward God? Who is the only person who is worthy of our worship?
TAKEAWAY: Only God should be worshiped.
3. QUESTION: What happens when we stop following God with our whole hearts? What are some things that could take our focus off of God and lead us into sin? How can we make sure we keep loving God first?
TAKEAWAY: We must guard our hearts so we can remain steadfast all our days.
4. QUESTION: What King did Jesus say that he was greater than? In what ways do you think King Jesus is greater than King Solomon?
TAKEAWAY: Jesus is a far greater King than Solomon, and he always rules with perfect wisdom.
As your family reflects on the truths you learned in this week’s lesson, pray together.
Here are some questions to get you started...
Based on this week’s lesson:
1. What did I learn about God that I can praise Him for?
2. What sins and weaknesses can I confess to God?
3. What promises can I thank God for?