Use this guide to help your family worship and reflect through the week.
You may go through this in any order you wish.
Reinforce this truth throughout the week and during your study.
God's grace is free and available to all.
Read the passage to or with your children.
2 Kings 5
Memorize and recite this verse with your children throughout the week.
"Behold, I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel."
- 2 Kings 5:15
Watch with your children.
Take time with your family to discuss these questions (or variations of these questions) together, and reflect on this week’s truth and Word.
1. QUESTION: Was Naaman an Israelite? How did he come to know that the God of Israel is the one true God?
TAKEAWAY: There is no God in all the earth but the Lord, the God of Israel.
2. QUESTION: In Naaman's day was there any cure for leprosy? How did the Lord cure his leprosy? How did Jesus heal the leper who came to him? Why did God cure their leprosy?
TAKEAWAY: The Lord is powerful and merciful: he cures the uncurable and touches the untouchable.
3. QUESTION: What were some of the things Elisha did that showed he was a great prophet? How was Jesus similar to Elisha? How is Jesus greater than Elisha?
TAKEAWAY: Like Elisha (the prophet of God), Jesus (the Son of God) was powerful in words and works.
4. QUESTION: Why didn't Elisha take the money that Naaman offered? What did his servant Gehazi do to get money from Naaman? Why did God punish Gehazi with leprosy?
TAKEAWAY: Since God's grace is a gift, not something money can buy, don't be greedy like Gehazi.
As your family reflects on the truths you learned in this week’s lesson, pray together.
Here are some questions to get you started...
Based on this week’s lesson:
1. What did I learn about God that I can praise Him for?
2. What sins and weaknesses can I confess to God?
3. What promises can I thank God for?