Use this guide to help your family worship and reflect through the week.
You may go through this in any order you wish.
Reinforce this truth throughout the week and during your study.
God promises to bless the nations through Abraham.
Read the passage to or with your children.
Geneiss 11-13
Memorize and recite this verse with your children throughout the week.
I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.
- Genesis 12:2
Watch with your children.
Take time with your family to discuss these questions (or variations of these questions) together, and reflect on this week’s truth and Word.
1. QUESTION: Do you remember some of the ways God has judged people when they sinned? What were they? What are some ways God has kept his promise to save the nations?
TAKEAWAY: Even though the nations rebelled against God, God still moved forward with his gracious plan to save them.
2. QUESTION: What did God ask Abraham to do? Do you think that was easy for Abraham? How does the way that Abraham responded to God show us how we should respond to God?
TAKEAWAY: Like Abraham, we should obey God's call to follow him.
3. QUESTION: What promise did God make to Abraham? Do you think it was easy for Abraham to believe his promise? What are some reasons we might have a hard time believing that God will keep his promises? How does Abraham's example help us trust God when it is hard?
TAKEAWAY: Like Abraham, we should believe that God keeps his promises.
4. QUESTION: How is the promised Snake Crusher connected to Abraham and Abraham's family? How is he connected to the promise God made to Abraham
TAKEAWAY: Jesus came from Abraham's offspring to bless the nations.
As your family reflects on the truths you learned in this week’s lesson, pray together.
Here are some questions to get you started...
Based on this week’s lesson:
1. What did I learn about God that I can praise Him for?
2. What sins and weaknesses can I confess to God?
3. What promises can I thank God for?